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Composite Chart Axis Labels Disappear

I have a composite chart with a barchart and a stacked bar chart.  I need the stacked bar chart to display behind the bar chart because it shows a rating for the bar chart with a different colour for each section.  I have everything working ok except that when I add the stacked bar chart first, I don't get any labels on my Y axis.  The label values are supposed to be defined by the bar chart.  If I add the bar chart first, I get the labels, but the bars appear behind the colours of the stacked bar chart and it is hard to read.

For this screenshot, I added the bar chart, then the stacked bar chart, the the bar chart a second time.  I'm sure there is a better way to do this.  Any help would be appreciated.

Here is my code if you want to see it:

        myChart.ChartType = ChartType.Composite

        Dim area As ChartArea = New ChartArea()



        Dim YAxis As AxisItem = New AxisItem(myChart, AxisNumber.Y_Axis)

        YAxis.DataType = AxisDataType.String

        YAxis.SetLabelAxisType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.SetLabelAxisType.GroupBySeries

        YAxis.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.ItemLabel

        YAxis.Labels.SeriesLabels.Format = AxisSeriesLabelFormat.SeriesLabel



        Dim XAxis As AxisItem = New AxisItem(myChart, AxisNumber.X_Axis)

        XAxis.DataType = AxisDataType.Numeric

        XAxis.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.DataValue



        With XAxis

            .SetLabelAxisType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData

            .TickmarkInterval = 0

            .Visible = True

            .LineThickness = 1

            .TickmarkStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisTickStyle.Smart

            .Extent = 35


                .RangeType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisRangeType.Custom

                .RangeMin = 0

                .RangeMax = 120

            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try


            With .Labels

                .ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0>"

                .HorizontalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Near

                .Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing

                .VerticalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Center

                .FontColor = Drawing.Color.Gray

                With .Layout

                    .Behavior = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.Auto

                End With

                With .SeriesLabels

                    .HorizontalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Near

                    .Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing

                    .VerticalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Center

                    .FontColor = Drawing.Color.Gray

                    With .Layout

                        .Behavior = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.Auto

                    End With

                End With

            End With

        End With


        With YAxis

            .TickmarkInterval = 0

            .Visible = True

            .LineThickness = 1

            .TickmarkStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisTickStyle.Smart

            .Extent = 70

            With .Labels

                .ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>"

                .HorizontalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Far

                .Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.Horizontal

                .VerticalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Center

                .FontColor = Drawing.Color.Gray

                With .Layout

                    .Behavior = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.None

                End With

                With .SeriesLabels

                    .HorizontalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Far

                    .Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.Horizontal

                    .VerticalAlign = Drawing.StringAlignment.Center

                    .FontColor = Drawing.Color.Gray

                    With .Layout

                        .Behavior = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.None

                    End With

                End With

            End With

        End With


        With myChart

            .Height = 500

            .Width = 900

            With .ColorModel

                .AlphaLevel = 255

                .ModelStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ColorModels.LinearRange

                .ColorBegin = Drawing.Color.Gray

                .ColorEnd = Drawing.Color.Gray

            End With


            With .Data

                .SwapRowsAndColumns = True

                .ZeroAligned = True

                With .EmptyStyle

                    .LineStyle.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.LineDrawStyle.Dash

                End With

            End With






        Dim MainChartLayer As ChartLayerAppearance = New ChartLayerAppearance()


        MainChartLayer.AxisX = XAxis

        MainChartLayer.AxisY = YAxis

        MainChartLayer.ChartArea = area

        MainChartLayer.ChartType = ChartType.BarChart


        MainChartLayer.SwapRowsAndColumns = True


        Dim MainChartAppearance As New BarChartAppearance

        Dim MainChartText As New ChartTextAppearance

        MainChartText.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0>"

        MainChartText.Visible = True

        MainChartText.HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Far


        MainChartText.Column = -2

        MainChartText.Row = -2

        MainChartLayer.ChartTypeAppearance = MainChartAppearance


        Dim RatingLayer As ChartLayerAppearance = New ChartLayerAppearance()

        RatingLayer.AxisX = XAxis

        RatingLayer.AxisY = YAxis

        RatingLayer.ChartArea = area

        RatingLayer.ChartType = ChartType.StackBarChart




