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APTCA Signed assemblies in 27 August ASPNet Service Release


I've been using ASPNet Web Client Version 2009.1, build 1015. I need to use the APTCA Signed dlls.

I've downloaded the 27 August ASPNet Service pack, and run it.

My projects are now broken, complaining on compilation about duplicate references.

OK - so I can see that the CLR 35 Bin folder contains new versions of the dlls - build 2087, but the APTCA Signed folder still contains the old versions - build1015.

Where are the updated (build 2087) versions of the APTCA signed dlls?

If I download the latest version of the full installer, that appears to be build 1006 - not much use to me.

Can you please help direct me to the location of build 2087 Aptca signed dlls?


  • 160
    Suggested Answer

    Answering my own question ....


    The Service Release upgrades the *main* dlls in situ. It also replaces the original zipped folder from the main installaiton which contained the APTCA Signed dlls, leaving the folder which was unzipped from the original installaiton intact. So, although it's obvious the main dlls have been upgraded, there's no hint that anything has happened to the APTCA zipped folder - unless you look at the zipped folder modified date, and then think to extract the contents, and then look at the version number. Nor is there any documentation for the process, or a readme which explains what happens. So, thankfully I was able to get a reply from the Infragistics support desk to point out the route.

    Ah, it's useful to have users kept on their toes like this. What fun.