That is my question..
Can I add class="stylecsshere"?
<igtxt:WebImageButton ID="btnExternalShip" runat="server" Text="External Ship" ImageDirectory="/ig_res/Default/images/" ImageTextSpacing="0" UseBrowserDefaults="False" class="styleButton">
Hi Vince,
I am trying to ues addclass function of the jquery to just identify some of the elements on which i dont want to do some operation and in the method i check that class by hasClass function of the jQuery to not do anything if the class is that i am using it just like a varaiable to set and then check again is there any other property available in all webcontrols that i can use commonly for this purpose.the addcalss here does not thru any error but the hasClass returns false it means the webcontrols are not supporting the class property.
guess I am trying to set up just height and width properties..
Thanks Vince.
If you want to hook up WebImageButton to a CSS class, use the following properties:
Each one of these properties applies to a different state of the control (normal, disabled, focused, hovered, and pressed, respectively).