Hi Experts,
I have a webdayview control with TimeSlotInterval = FifteenMinutes. I think the height of each timeslot is too big so I want to shrink it.
I set the "Height" property of WorkingTimeSlotStyle & NonWorkingTimeSlotStyle to "10px" but it doesn't work. Then I set the "Font.Size" properties to 9px... Yes it works, and I can see the height of each timeslot has been shrinked as I expected.
But when I switched to another day, the heights of timeslots were reverted to about 15px.
I did more tests and found that this only happens when the corresponding WebScheduleInfo's EnableSmartCallbacks is "True". When I set this value to "False", this issue doesn't occur.
Here is my code:
<ig_sched:WebScheduleInfo ID="wsiScheduleInfo" runat="server" EnableSmartCallbacks="False" StyleSetName="" StyleSetPath="" StyleSheetDirectory="" > <ClientEvents ActivityUpdating ="WebScheduleInfo1_ActivityUpdating" ActivityDialogOpening ="wsiScheduleInfo_ActivityDialogOpening" /> </ig_sched:WebScheduleInfo> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr style="vertical-align:top"> <td style="width:250px"><ig_sched:WebCalendarView ID="wcvCalendar" runat="server" WebScheduleInfoID="wsiScheduleInfo" Width="100%"> </ig_sched:WebCalendarView></td> <td> <ig_sched:WebDayView ID="wdvDaiViewBookings" runat="server" ScrollPosition="400" WebScheduleInfoID="wsiScheduleInfo" Height="600px" StyleSetName="" StyleSetPath="" StyleSheetDirectory="" TimeSlotInterval="FifteenMinutes" ActivityHeightMinimum="5" > <NonWorkingTimeSlotStyle Height="10px" Font-Size="9px" /> <WorkingTimeSlotStyle Height="10px" Font-Size="9px"> </WorkingTimeSlotStyle> </ig_sched:WebDayView> </td> </tr> </table>
I'm pretty sure that it's a BUG but I'm not sure if it has been fixed in later versions. I'm using 2007.3.
Please help.
I use 8.3 and If I recall correctly my time slots are whatever size I tell them to be. It's been a while though and I can't seem to access that site at the moment for some odd reason or I'd tell you how I did it.