I am really new to infragistics Gantt ChartI have a problem. I was making a Gantt Chart. I made a GanttSeries and in that GanttSeries I made different GanttItem and in each GanttItem I added different GanttTimeEntry which made my Gantt Chart ready. Now my problemWhen I click on a specific GanttTimeEntry I need to retrieve the Start Time and End Time.I know you can track the click event on OnChartDataClicked but the Primitive's will be blank or null. So I cannot get the data's of that specific GanttTimeEntry. Is there any other way to get this. Hope you understood my problem and will come with a helping hand.
Thanks in Advance
I have solved the Half of it. Here is what I have done till now.
I started from the top ie making the GanttSeries global. Using GanttSeries you can find which Ganttitem was Clicked. Since the "Key" of the GantItem is unique it can be used to find which GanttItem. Something like below
GanttItem ganttItem = ganttSeries.Items.FromKey(e.ColumnLabel); e.ColumnLabel will give you the GanttItem "Key".
Once you have found the GanttItem it is really easy to find which GanttEntryTime. Something like below can be done
GanttTimeEntry time = ganttItem.Times[e.DataRow] i suppose e.DataRow will give you which GanttTimeEntry.
so this will give you which GanttTimeEntry was clicked and now from that I can get the StartTime and EndTime and what all datas I want.
But now my problem is that this "e.DataRow" is always 0. always giving me the first GanttTimeEntry inside the GanttItem. Even if I click on the 2nd GanttTimeEntry it will give me the 1st GanttTimeEntry. Hope you guys understood the problem. Somebody help me how to get the e.DataRow.
Thanks in advance
unfortunately this information (what time entry was clicked) is just not passed back from the client to the server. so there isn't a solution to this problem that i know of :(
you can submit a feature request here: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/protected/requestfeature.aspx
the client-side event arguments are documented here: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2010.3/CLR4.0/?page=WebChart_Client_Side_Events_CSOM.html
By the way, to add the event, I did the following
In the load event for the page I added
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
"function OnChartMouseClick(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id){alert(column);}")
Dim cstype As Type = Me.[GetType]()
, sb.ToString)
First I put this in a IF NOTPOSTBACK block but found it would work unless on ever postback so I the script outside the if block
Also added this to the load event for the chart - added lines for chart colors since this took forever to find too.
Import system.drawing
import system.text
'change the chart colors
UltraChart1.ColorModel.CustomPalette = colors
UltraChart1.ClientSideEvents.ClientOnMouseClick =
Thanks for this example, I needed to open a window based on a chart click and needed the column number . Most of the stuff I do can be done server side so I am not a big client guy. When I checked the documentation adding events to the chart, I didn't see anything that would indicate the arguments :
function UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseClick(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id)
The documentation at http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2009.1/CLR3.5/html/Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebChart.v9.1~Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebChart.UltraChart~ClientSideEvents.html
Doesn't show anything about the arguments. Strictly speaking it's slightly different than adding the events but these little tid-bits sprinkled into the documentation or a note saying : SEE ALSO - ... would also help.
Thanks a lot David.
well done!