How can I change a message of a WebDialogWindow ?
Initially I set window state as hidden
WebDialogWindow1.WindowState = Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls.DialogWindowState.Hidden ;
and while showing dialog box I set window state as normal
WebDialogWindow1.WindowState = Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls.DialogWindowState.Normal ;
at the time of showing dialog box I wnat to change a message . how can I do that ?
Thaks Paul . It is working, as suggested by you I put ASP:Label and set the text.
If it is only a message then could you not put in an ASP:Label and set the text on that accordingly?
But this will change only header of Web Dialog window not the complete message.
I want to change
You can change the text on the server side using the following:
WebDialogWindow1.Header.CaptionText = "some text"