I am using WebDropDown for multipe selection using check box. But my problem is when I selected the multiple selections the text area is keep on increasing the size towards right separated with comma for each selected values. How can I avoid this.
Here is the source code for my combo.
<ig:WebDropDown ID="ddlMultipleUserList" runat="server" Width="150px" EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="false" DropDownOrientation="Center" EnableCustomValues="false" EnableMultipleSelection="True" MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox" DropDownContainerHeight="300px" DropDownContainerWidth="150px" PageSize="0" AutoPostBack="false"> <ClientEvents SelectionChanged="selectedIndexChanged" SelectionChanging="selectedIndexChanging" /> <DropDownItemBinding TextField="DisplayName" ValueField="ID" /> </ig:WebDropDown>
Is there any settings to avoid this. I am attaching the pic of the issue.
It seems that the styles haven't applied in your WebSite. From where do you pull ig_res (which contains the images and stylesheets for the control)?
In general this issue that you are facing is already addressed by default, and appears in every CSS sheet that the control uses, for example:
You can also take a look at this sample:
http://samples.infragistics.com/2009.1/WebFeatureBrowser/Default.aspx => WebDropDown => MultiSelection example, where it doesn't extend the input text outside the area.
Hope this helps,
Thank you so much for the quick reply.
That was so helpful.