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Error trying to Load Excel Template

 I'm trying to use Infragistics to create an Excel file from another Excel file with the following code:

Dim wb As New  Infragistics.Excel.Workbook

Dim ws As Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet = wb.Worksheets("sheet1")  

Dim rowIndex As Integer = 1  

For Each drow As DataRow In dt.Rows 

Dim row As  Infragistics.Excel.WorksheetRow = ws.Rows.Item(rowIndex)

rowIndex = rowIndex + 1


For columnIndex As Integer = 0 To  drow.ItemArray.Length - 1

row.Cells.Item(columnIndex).Value = drow.ItemArray(columnIndex)







The file c:\exceltemplate.xls has 1 sheet called "sheet1" with some column headers in it. It errors on the line "Dim ws As Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet = wb.Worksheets("sheet1")" because wb has no worksheets in it so the load appears to be doing nothing.  Am I doing something wrong?
