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webdatamenu renders local but not remote

I am developing in ASP.NET 3.5...I have the Ajax toolkit installed...using NetAdvantage 9.1. I have a webdatamenu on a master page. It uses a sitemapdatasource (accessing web.sitemap) for data. It works fine to the localhost. But when I publish the page to a remote site, the menu control only partially renders, i.e., the control border. The menuitems are there as text links (which work!) but the graphical rendering is not present. Is there some reference file I need to copy to the remote site (


Jim Spicer

Author of PerpetualBudget

  • 4493
    Verified Answer

    Hello and thanks for using Infragistics controls.

    The issue youhave is most likely caused by issing CSS files. Please make sure you have also copied "ig_res" folder to the development server. This folder should be in your website root. Or, if you cannot find it there, please checkout the following line in your web.config file:



    infragistics.web styleSetName="Default" styleSetPath="http://dev-mashine/ig_res/"/>

    This configuration section point to where Style Sets are installed. You can than check with local IIS configuration (Start -> Run -> "inetmgr") to see the mapping for that virtual folder. Then grap the entire folder and put it on the server. However, if you have that configuration line in your web.config, make sure to point the "styleSetPath" to correct location on deployment server.

    Hope this helps