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WebDropDown Makes page Crawl

why is it that having a web drop down in this instance makes the page crawl? Button clicks take 5 or more seconds.  They get stuck.  If I revert back to a regular ASP DDL, it runs like a champ.



<td style="width:50%; text-align:right">

<ig:WebDropDown runat="server" ID="ddlAddPM" TextField="UserMachineName" Width="250px" DisplayMode="DropDownList" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="150px" EnableDropDownAsChild="false" ValueField="Id" >


<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddlAddPM" Display="None" ErrorMessage="Select a user from the Drop Down List" ValidationGroup="PM" />


<td style="width:50%; text-align:left">

<asp:Button ID="btnAddPM" runat="server" Text="Assign PM Role" OnClick="btnAddPM_Click" ValidationGroup="PM" />

<asp:ValidationSummary runat="server" ValidationGroup="PM" DisplayMode="List" ShowMessageBox="true" ShowSummary="false" />











<td style="width:50%; text-align:right">

<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="ddlAddPM" DataTextField="UserMachineName" Width="250px" DataValueField="Id" >



<td style="width:50%; text-align:left">

<asp:Button ID="btnAddPM" runat="server" Text="Assign PM Role" OnClick="btnAddPM_Click" ValidationGroup="PM" />





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