How to display data values at the end of horizontal bars in barchart version 8.3?
the data for this chart is from table so whether to loop through.
you could theoretically do this, but the chart has no method of providing the positions of bars in a 3D chart, so it would be tricky to figure out where to place the Box Annotations.
i read using box annotation i can display? is there any sample that i can use to display value in bar chart for all datavalues by looping through the datatable? Thanks.
If you are using BarChart3D, you can't display data labels. Not all chart types including
BarChart3D support data labels. You can submit a feature request here.
i will try this. my bar chart is 3d, will this solution work in 3d since the link that you mentioned says charttext is for 2d? thanks.
Chart text can be displayed with a variety of alignments including the horizontal alignment for the Barchart.
You can set HorizontalAlign to Far:
this.UltraChart1.BarChart.ChartText[0].HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Far;
For more information on how to apply chart text, please refer to here.