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Getting Dynamic Text Box Value

I have successfully implemented the ValueChanged clientevent to capture the value of hte slider and put it in a text box... this works great when i know the ID of the text box at design time.  However, I'm encapsulating the slider in a compositeControl and need to figure out a way to get the clientID of the textbox at runtime for the slider (there are many of these composite controls on the page so I can't use a static value)

normally i would render out the call to the javascript and put in the client id, but because you have "wrappered" the valuechanged event and force me to only have 2 arguments (this, events) I can't do that.

Is there any way to override the javascript function call and add my own parameters and still have access to the values in the control?

i hope this makes sense.



  • 24497


    To get access to any html control on page, you may use document.getElementById or its shortcut $get.
    If you do not know exact value of ClientID, then you may use <%=Control.ClientID%>.

    Below is example:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function valueChanged(slider, eventArgs)
     var tb1 = $get('<%=TextBox1.ClientID%>');
      tb1.value = eventArgs.get_newValue();

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