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Is there a complete Page Postback ?


I've been using WebDialogWindow in my project. I've a basic question regarding this. I've UltraWebGrid, 2 WebPanels with some text boxes, buttons and dropdwon lists in my page along with the WebDialogWindow. I've put all these controls in ASP Update Panel. I am showing the WebDialogWindow on a button click. This is inside a server side button click. I am populating some controls in this server side click and showing the WebDialogWindow. In these postback, what exactly happens? Is the whole page with all other controls is getting posted back? If this is a case, then it's a major performance hit. Can someone please clarify this? Also, can someone please throw me some light on the Ajax features of these controls and the ASP.Net UpdatePanel? Please give me any useful links.

Thanks in advance!


  • 24497

    Hi Kala,

    If I understood you correctly you have UpdatePanel which contains button, WebDialogWindow and other controls like UltraWebGrid. On button click you modify content of UpdatePanel and do other actions like show dialog, etc.

    Any action on server (including button click located inside UpdatePanel) triggers server to recreate all content of page, connect to database, etc. There is almost no difference between full and async postback. While async postback, the server response does not recreated whole page, but it is send to client in special format and it is processed by script manager. Script manager updates html, run scripts, etc.

    If you create controls dynamically, then you should keep in mind, that you may loose events and data of those dynamic controls after postback (or you should do explicit processing of Request.Form). That aspect is not related to full or async postback.

    If you use async features, then speed of response can be almost the same as for full postback. The only difference that page is not fully recreated, but only its parts are updated.

    I suggest you to test/debug logic of your application without UpdatePanel. If it works as you expect, then you can go step further and wrap some parts of page (dialog, grid, etc.) into UpdatePanel and check if it does not lose its behavior.