WebDropDown fails to accept the ValueField property if it has been set programaticly.
WebDropDown1.ValueField = "Keys"
Although when seted in the Properties Pane it works normally. Is this a bug ?
In which event handler do you re-set the ValueField? I suggest one possible solution would be to call DataBind() on the WebDropDown, after ValueField has been set programatically. I am assuming that in your scenario what happens is that you set it to a new value, but the list of items remains bound to the previous field ? If there is some other sort of error or exception, please let us know and we will handle this as soon as possible.
I hope this helps. Thanks,
I've solved the problem brifly by delting the component and adding it again on the page. Now the same problem arises again. Here is a screenshot:
I have the same problem with the seccond WebDropDown (FunctionDropDown). The ValueField is also an empty string.