I know this should be simple - but I just cannot fathom it.
I drop a webdrop down onto a page (replacing an exists asp.ddl) configure it to use an ods. It compiles but when I run the app if gives the following error:
"Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Object Infragistics already exists and is not a namespace."
Background to app:
I have checked the Bin/webconfig and the page tag references - but they all look ok.
I even tried a new page webdrop + ods +scriptmanager and it crashes on master page but OK on a normal page
Any help/pointers would be appreciated!
Hi Genti,
It should be already fixed.
Thank you,
Is this still an issue on 3.5 - Version 9.2.20092.1003?
Could you post your ASPX, or a sample website ? I tried mixing IG ASP.NET controls with IG ASP.NET AJAX controls and couldn't reproduce this issue. This is the code for the client-side handler:
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" id="igClientScript">
function UltraWebMenu1_InitializeMenu(menuId){
//Add code to handle your event here.
// -->
(that's generated automatically).
Thanks for your feedback ,
I am getting the same error, but do not have an id=infragistics in the aspx. I just upgraded to 9.1.20091.2067. Thanks.
Thanks! That worked!