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SplitterPane resizes on sorting in inner WebGrid


I got a Problem with 3 WebGrids inside 3 horizontal SplitterPanes in a Websplitter. The Problem is, that when I want to sort one of the grids all SplitterPanes (except the bottom one) resize to the minimum only showing their header.

The hierarchy of my page is the following:

WebSplitter "main" vertical

WebPanel (with a Tree an a DropDown)

WebSplitter "MDI with Grids" horizontal

SplitterPane 0 (for layout purpose to let all Panes collapse to the top)

SplitterPane 1

WARP with WebGrid inside - sorting is clientside but the event refreshes the WARP in Pane 3

SplitterPane 2 & 3 got the same setup except the handled sorting

All grids got clientside sorting.

In the attached Image you see the 'result' on clicking on the sort-button.

  • 120

    I've got to push this topic - my boss wants his product done and I still don't have any solution for this problem. Please, it's urgent!