I've put a WebDropDown inside a panel which has the ModalPopupExtender on it and bound the drop down to an array. When I view the page, I can't get the dropdown to dropdown. Pressing the up and down arrows does scroll through the list of options, but clicking the down arrow does not cause the dropdown list to show. Thanks for any ideas.
you can try setting the DropDownContainerHeight property to some fixed value, like 200px , although in general it should work well without it. Please let me know if this works for your scenario. Also , there is the EnableDropDownAsChild property (taking true / false values) , which controls whether the dropdown container element will be a direct first child of the source element - in the DOM ; or will be detached from it, absolutely positioned and its position calculated as soon as the container is about to be opened.
Any other feedback you may have for the WebDropDown component is welcome - Does it suit your needs? If you feel specific features could be improved, modified, or added, please let us know.
Thanks very much,
Neither of the options you listed made a difference. I did create a test page a dropped the webpulldown on it and it worked ok, so I think the issue is the pulldown being in a modal popup panel.
With EnableDropDownAsChild set to False, when I clicked on the pulldown arrow, the scrollbars for the screen showed but I couldn't find the actual pulldown items.
I should also mention that a WebCombo works fine, but I was hoping to replace it with the WebPullDown.
Thanks a lot, today you're my hero.
all I had to do for my isse was to set
Seems to work but now I think I'm having issues with the css files. I've upgraded from 2008.3 to 2009.1 and I think there might have been some css stuff that I need to merge between versions. Thanks for the help!
Hi rdorris,
You can use the same solution I have provided in my previous post about the zIndex. It also appears that in your scenario the dropdown is displayed behind the popup container. EnableDropDownAsChild should be also set to "false".
I am attaching a sample WebSite, where in Default.aspx i have used the code you provided along with my modifications.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
Hi revbones,
I took another look, and I think i found the issue (it's not about the TD's align=right) . The dropdown cannot be seen because the modal WebDialogWindow sets its z-index to a very high number, so that it can be always displayed on top - therefore the dropdown is displayed behind the dialog window. The solution is to set the dropdown container's z-index to a higher value than the z-index of the modal WebDialogWindow (which is by default 100 000).
I have attached a sample project (WebSite) - you can take a look at Default2.aspx, which uses your code, and the dropdown can be displayed correctly, after the modal WebdialogWindow is shown. Note the WebDropDown's Initialize ClientSideEvent handler, which sets the z-index of the dropdown . Also we need to make sure that EnableDropDownAsChild=false, so that the dropdown container will be absolutely positioned - another prerequisite for it being displayed above the modal dialog window.
<ClientEvents Initialize="initDropDown" />
Then in the handler I do :
function initDropDown(sender,args)
and then in the WebDropDown declaration in the aspx: EnableDropDownAsChild=false
Apart from that the only modification I have made is to also set a Width for the dropdown , but it also works without it.
Hope it helps,