I know that I can change the orientation of the x axis series lables, but is there any way to alternate the vertical position of the labels when they are too wide to fit without overlapping? Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
in a composite chart, the properties under this.ultraChart.Axis.X will have no effect. you need to find the AxisItem object in the ChartArea's Axes collection and set the same properties on it.
I tried this solution, but no luck. Here is the code I am using. I'm sure you will quickly see what I am missing:
//Add a stagger behavior to the x axis labels
this.ultraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Layout.Behavior = AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.UseCollection;
StaggerAxisLabelLayoutBehavior stagger = new StaggerAxisLabelLayoutBehavior();
stagger.Enabled = true;
stagger.EnableRollback = false;
stagger.UseOnlyToPreventCollisions = false;
xAxis.Labels.SeriesLabels.Layout.Behavior = UseCollection
then access xAxis.Labels.SeriesLabels.BehaviorCollection, and add a Stagger behavior to that collection. set EnableRollback = false and UseOnlyToPreventCollisions = false to force it to always stagger the labels.