Hello Experts
I am a beginner at using Infragistics and my first attempt at using the product has produced a bar chart that is close to what I want but I am having problems with a Y axis label.
the code that I am interested in is as follows (it is found in the html markup portion for my aspx page)
<Y LineThickness="1" TickmarkInterval="0" TickmarkStyle="Smart" Visible="True"> <MinorGridLines AlphaLevel="255" Color="LightGray" DrawStyle="Dot" Thickness="1" Visible="False" /> <MajorGridLines AlphaLevel="255" Color="Gainsboro" DrawStyle="Dot" Thickness="1" Visible="True" /> <Labels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="DimGray" HorizontalAlign="Far" ItemFormatString="<ITEM_LABEL>" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlign="Center"> <SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Red" HorizontalAlign="Center" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing" VerticalAlign="Center"> </SeriesLabels> </Labels> </Y>
I found a sample on the infragistics site that looks pretty much like the chart I am trying to produce and it even has the html vb ASP.NET code to give me some clues on what might be wrong. But I can not figure it out.
My chart shows the view name in front of the field name. So it reads "vmychartdata_.Yes" instead of "Yes" and "vmychartdata_.No" instead of 'No"
I replace my SeriesLabels code with what I found in the example and I get the same results.
Results: "vmychartdata_.Yes" instead of "Yes" and "vmychartdata_.No" instead of 'No"
<SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" Visible="True" HorizontalAlign="Center" FontSizeBestFit="False" ClipText="True" FormatString="<SERIES_LABEL>" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing" WrapText="False" Flip="False" FontColor="Black" VerticalAlign="Near" OrientationAngle="0"></SeriesLabels>
Any Ideas??
By default, if the chart is data bound, the labels come from your datasource. If you don't have a separate column for the row label, you can specify an array of strings to be used for rows instead:
chart.Data.SetRowLabels(New String(){"Yes", "No"})
Perfect solution
Thank you very much