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How to disable infragistic controls at clientside

Hi friends,

I have .aspx page and i have infragistic controls like ultrawebgrid, ultrawebtree,etc .

So onclick of a button i want to dissable all infragistic control on my page . This i want to achieve using javascript.

Is it possibele? And one more thing i observed i,e some infragistic controls are converted to hidden fields at client side.

So anybody give me the solution how i can achieve this? Please help.



  • 28464


    It really depends -- since our controls are complex and involve many features // a lot of functionality, each control has different logic for read-only mode. 

    Typically, you can set the Enabled property to False from the server-side. From the client-side, with javascript, typically a client-side event handler (for example, BeforeClientSelect) exists, which can be cancelled, effectively making the control read-only. But then again, this really depends on the specific control you use. 

    For specific details, please post in the respective product forums, or better yet, go through our online resources first:

    1. Samples:

    2. Documentation

    Hope this helps.