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Web sliders?

I'm trying to use a web slider to allow a user to increment (or decrement) data by a percentage that is tied to the slider value.

The slider appears normally when I test from within Visual Studio (VB 2008, ASP.Net 3.5, running on Vista Business 32-bit). But when I try to run the app from a browser on another computer, the web slider either doesn't appear, or it appears in some randomly mangled fashion.

What's the trick with sliders? I already found out that they're not expected to display properly within WARP panels (too bad).


<asp:Panel ID="Panel4" runat="server"



ScrollBars="Auto" HorizontalAlign="Center" BorderWidth="2">

<cc1:WebSlider ID="sldParam1" runat="server"

MaxValueAsString="50" MinValueAsString="-50" ToolTip="Revenues"

ValueAsString="0" ValueType="Int" AutoPostBackFlags-ValueChanged="On" Orientation="Horizontal"

ValueLabel-Location="LeftOrTop" BorderStyle="NotSet" Tickmarks-Location="BottomOrRight" Visible="True">

<ValueLabel Location="LeftOrTop" /></cc1:WebSlider>
