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Editting of double values


I'm trying to create some sort of data editor, but I'm experiencing troubles when it comes to editting double values. I created a simple grid with two columns (name and defaultValue), set the "name" column to readonly and added a numeric editor provider to the other column (and thus enabled editting etc). However, when I add a value of (for example 7.8) this is displayed in the grid as "7,8" (note the comma here!). But when I double click on the value and the editor is shown, the value in the editor is suddenly just "7".

I tried to set the culture of the numeric editor provider to "Dutch (Netherlands)" but this isn't saved in the code behind (but "Dutch (Belgium)" is!?), so I changed "Belgium" to "Netherlands", but this didn't help at all.

So the question is: how can I tell the grid that "7.8" isn't "7" but just "7.8" (or "7,8" since we are using a comma as decimal separator in The Netherlands)?

  • 1000

    Maybe you can try the following:

    Add these lines in the Page.Load

    Dim nf1 As System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo = New System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()
    nf1.NumberGroupSeparator = ""
    nf1.NumberDecimalSeparator = ","
    WebNumericEdit1.NumberFormat = nf1

    I know you are using them in a datagridview and maybe this could help you achieve your goal.

    good luck