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More questions

I have lots of questions so please be patient with me. I do plan on purchasing this product I just want to understand it a little better first.

 I feel like I am asking a lot of very basic questions and wonder if there is a better way to get this information. I don't seem to find much documentation that explains what I need.

I was trying to use the LLBLGen Pro LLBLGenProDataSource2 control but it doesn't seem to work so my databinding is the following for now.

this.dataGrid.DataSource = entityCollection; this.dataGrid.DataBind();

I now have the following questions.

1.How do I make the cancel button in the editing template close the template window?

2.  When I type text into a cell in the Add New Row row and move to the next cell the text is not displayed. Instead the background color remains the the default grey. The text I entered is there it's just not showing through the grey background. Do I need to change the text to black? How do I do this?

3. How do I change the row height? I found a Hight property on the GridRecord class and have changed it's value in the InitializeRow event but the change is not showing up.

4. How do I get the RowDeleted event to fire?

Well, I think that's a good start for now. If there is a better way for me to find the answers to my questions please let me know. So far I've been very happy with the answers I've received so far on this forum. I'm surprised to see so few questions being asked by others on this foru, where is everyone?

  • 746459


    1) The Row Edit Template designer will generate a cancel button for you. Check out the how-to in the docs for help with this.

    2) You fixed :)

    3) You can handle the InitializeRow event and set the  e.Row.CssClass to a class that has a height value defined

    4)  If you enable Selection, Row Selectors, and Row Deleting behaviors all you have to do is select a row and press the delete key and the event will fire



  • 1070

    I figured out problem 2. Can someone please help me with the other problems that I've listed here?

    I need to figure out how to make the AddNew Row and Delete Row work and change the row height. This would be a good start.