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Manipulating groups elements


I am using infragistics and I have a situation where I have a combo box that is controling which elements appear on a form. I have 4 textboxes(WebTextEdit) that appear which 1 item is selected and a combobox along with a textbox that appears when another is chosen. I usually create the forms using a table that is in a div. I tried separating the group of element choices into 2 divs along with a table in each. That became a problem when I realised that whenever I used the main cmbx, the other one disappears and vice versa. I tried using one table in one div and in the js just change the visibility of each element depending on the displayValue. I tried using .visible but it doesn't work. I tried .style.display = "none" but that doesn't work either. I believe using divs to separate the grouped-element choices and then hiding it can work since i have used it on a button before however the problem is with the table tag since I have to format the form that way and with the tables in the divs, I get the problem with the combo box. Please help me anyway you can. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is a part of the html code that shows where I define the elements going straight down with ScheduleType deciding which elements are shown.


<table class="RegularTable">
        <td><asp:Localize ID="locScheduleType" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Text, ScheduleType %>" />:</td>
            <uc1:ScheduleType ID="ucScheduleTypes" runat="server" Required ="true" RequiredText="<%$ Resources:Text, ScheduleType %>" PostSelectionFunction="ScheduleTypeObjects();" ComboValidationType ="Text" TabIndex="1" />                 