Hello -
I have a simple line chart that displays dates on the X-Axis and dollar amounts on the Y-Axis. I only want to display a tickmark on the X-Axis every-other week. On a 2-D line chart I set the following properties, which worked great.
this.chartAssetHistory.Axis.X.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.DataInterval;
this.chartAssetHistory.Axis.X.TickmarkInterval = 2;
When I change the chart type to a 3D line chart, the same solution does not work. Is this expected? Do I have to implement the IRenderLabel interface to get this functionality in a 3D chart?
Quick update on this. I was able to limit the frequency of the labels by implementing the IRenderLabel interface. This worked for the 3D line and 3D area charts. The solution was very similar to this post:
Sorry, but the 3d line chart does not support a time based X axis. There will be a label drawn on the x axis for each data point on the line at a constant interval, much like the 2d line chart without a time scale (TreatDateTimeAsString = true). IRenderLabel can be used to change the text of the label, but it cannot change the frequency or positioning of the labels or tickmarks. You can submit a feature request here:https://es.infragistics.com/community/ideas