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Working with multi-column WebDataGrid - dynamic column labels

I am converting a WinForms datagrid to Web and have had a few issues with this.  I am displaying a range of dates as columns and then jobs on those dates.  In this case I have set up 3 groups :- General, Week 1 and Week 2.  Under Week 1 and Week 2 I have the individual days.  In the markup these are simply columns within the group with their header text set to 'Day 1', 'day ' and so on. 

In the code behind I have implemented the gridReport_InitializeRow function as there doesn't appear to be an initialiseLayout as there is in WinForms.  I then check for row 1 and use the following code to set the label for each of the day columns

Dim group As GroupField = gridReport.Columns("Week 1")
For index As Integer = 0 To 6
   Dim column As GridField = group.Columns(index)
   column.Header.Text = day.ToString("ddd dd")

I thought this would work but when displayed my column headings are still the original values?  Any thoughts welcome

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    Hello Chris, 

    There is no equivalent to the InitializeLayout event in our WebForms controls, instead what I recommend you is using the PageLoad event with an if statement to see if it isn’t a PostBack and then create the columns there, this would ensure that the columns are created only once and would prevent exception that is caused by duplicate keys. 

    I have prepared a small sample that creates the columns of the WebDataGrid dynamically and organizes them in GroupFields. Below you can find the sample as well as a screenshot that demonstrates how the grid looks with the GroupFields added.

    Please test the sample on your side and let me know if you have any questions. 

    Ivan Kitanov

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