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Dynamically adding BoundField to WebHierarchialDataGrid, unable to see the column in browser

I have a WebHierarchialDataGrid 'G1' in usercontrol page .ascx page with 20 columns existing. I'm getting data from .ascx page to .aspx page in ON_INIT() method adding controls to div 'Results'. After adding the controls, Through FindControls method I'm assigning the WebHierarchialDataGrid 'G1' to variable webGridResults and added a new Boundfield field column to it.

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
BoundDataField boundField = new BoundDataField();

boundField.Header.Text = "CERT_ALLOWED";

boundField.Key = "CERT_ALLOWED";

boundField.DataFieldName = "CERT_ALLOWED";

boundField.Hidden = false;

//boundField.Header.CssClass = "aLeft";

boundField.Width = Unit.Pixel(20);
for (int i = 0; i<TDSearchResults.Controls.Count; i++)
if (TDSearchResults.Controls[i] != null)
this.webGridResults = this.TDSearchResults.Controls[i].FindControl("G1") as WebHierarchicalDataGrid;
if (webGridResults != null)
webGridResults.EnableDataViewState = true;


I have checked in Page_Load, Pre_Render, On_Load events I able to see the new Column, but in the browser I'm unable to see the column, On Inspect_Element I'm able to see new column in only script webhierarchialdatagrid_addinit. 

How to view the column in browser? How to check if data is getting binded or not(providing the data to grid datasource)? Please let me know. 

