Hi Guys,
I'm having problem getting a DiaglogWindow to appear on the click of a button. Using Vs2005, Web Project w/AJAX, CLR2.0.
When i try and run the project i get hit with the follow message: Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'javascript' is not a member of 'ASP.forms_firstresponse_aspx'.
top: 104px" TabIndex="5" Text="Lookup..." UseBrowserDefaults="False" Width="88px" OnClick="BLOCKED SCRIPT$find('WebDialogWindow1').set_WindowState($IG.DialogWindowState.Normal);">
Could anyone advise or help me modify my code accordingly - I'm quite new to all of this. Thanks all.
Me.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.Page.GetType(), "script", "ShowDialog('" & Me.WebDialogWindow1.ClientID & "');", True)
This does not work, I don't understand how the dialog is rendered, but I get a javascript error: object not found. I think this is a necessary functionality, a dialog is useful when you want to apply a decision to a server side logic, for example, after a failed login or something like that.
yes, it works fine.