In following the steps given on the web site below, I am able to generate a chart, but only with the axis value I entered in the wizard, but I am wanting to use the values from a data source. I must be missing something very simple. I have added a data source, but values not there. Help please?
the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 are the Number series
Are you trying to display a column chart? which of your columns are numeric? Assuming it's a column chart and fiscal_month is a string column and 2007,2008,2009 are numeric columns, you need to create 3 different NumericSeries objects and databind each series to the respective numeric column.
series1.Data.DataSource = myTable;series1.Data.LabelColumn = "Fiscal_Month";series1.Data.ValueColumn = "2007";
series2.Data.DataSource = myTable;series2.Data.LabelColumn = "Fiscal_Month";series2.Data.ValueColumn = "2008";
I am having a problem to databind to my Composite Graph - i have the following:
DAL with DataTable with Column called Fiscal_Month, 2007, 2008, 2009
TableAdapter FillBy CustomerID and ProductID
Not sure how to bind them to the series
Currently, the chart series object can only be bound to a data table, so you will need to extract the table from the data source. Assuming you have columns 'column1' as string and 'column2' as float or anything numeric in your datasource, this should work.
Dim series As New NumericSeriesUltraChart1.CompositeChart.Series.Add(series)Dim dv As New DataViewdv = Me.SqlDataSource1.Select(Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)series.Data.DataSource = dv.Tableseries.Data.LabelColumn = "column1"series.Data.ValueColumn = "column2"UltraChart1.CompositeChart.ChartLayers(0).Series.Add(series)
Still does not is my code.
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Sub
Dim series As New Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.NumericSeries()
series.Label = "Series A"
' this code populates the series from an external data source
'Dim table As Data.DataTable = Me.GetData()
series.Data.DataSource = SqlDataSource1
series.Data.LabelColumn = "Label Column"
series.Data.ValueColumn = "Value Column"
End Function
End Class