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ItemCommand not firing


I'am working with infragistics webdatagrid (Version: 15.1.20151.1018).  This component is used in a master page.

I create dynamicaly the grid (the grid is put in a webTab) in witch a put a image button. So when the end user is clicked in the button a should open a new page but the event doesn't fired.

Is there a work a round for this problem?



//Create the gridView when fill the Tab

        private void FillTab(Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls.ContentTabItem tab, int index)


//Select the data via Linq

                var ResuStdOper = (from s in db.vRESU_STD_OPERs

                                   where s.NOM_LIGNE.Equals("AC02")

                                   select s).ToList();




                WebDataGrid GV = new WebDataGrid();

                GV.ID = "GV" + index.ToString();

                GV.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

                GV.DataKeyFields = "ID_RESULTAT";

                GV.EnableAjax = false;

                GV.EnableDataViewState = true;

                GV.EnableViewState = true;               

                GV.ItemCommand += new ItemCommandEventHandler(WebDataGrid1_ItemCommand);

                Selection gridSelection = GV.Behaviors.CreateBehavior<Selection>();

                gridSelection.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Row;

                gridSelection.RowSelectType = SelectType.Single;


                RowSelectors gridselectorw = GV.Behaviors.CreateBehavior<RowSelectors>();

                gridselectorw.Enabled = true;


                Selection selectionBehavior = GV.Behaviors.Selection;

                if (selectionBehavior == null)


                    // Create the behavior

                    Selection selection = new Selection();


                    // Add to behaviors collection



                    // Set its options

                    selection.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Row;

                    selection.RowSelectType = SelectType.Single;



                RowSelectors gridselectorbehavior = GV.Behaviors.RowSelectors;

                if (gridselectorbehavior==null)




                //Add the

                TemplateDataField templateField1 = new TemplateDataField(true);

                templateField1.Key = "TemplateField1";

                templateField1.Header.Text = "Template Column";



                TemplateDataField templateColumn1 = (TemplateDataField)GV.Columns["TemplateField1"];


                templateColumn1.ItemTemplate = new CustomItemTemplate();




                var col1 = new BoundDataField { Key = "NOM_STANDARD" };

                col1.Header.Text = "Nom standard";

                col1.Width = 100;

                var col2 = new BoundDataField { Key = "NOM_OPERATEUR" };

                col2.Header.Text = "Nom opérateur";

                col2.Width = 75;



                GV.DataSource = ResuStdOper;


                tab.Controls.Add(GV); //Add the grid to the tab



//???? Why is this event not fired????

        protected void WebDataGrid1_ItemCommand(object sender, HandleCommandEventArgs e)


            string IdResu = e.CommandArgument.ToString();


//The class used for create the button

public  class CustomItemTemplate : ITemplate


        #region ITemplate Members

        public void InstantiateIn(Control container)


            ImageButton imgBtn = new ImageButton();

            imgBtn.ID = "ImageButton1";

            imgBtn.ImageUrl = "images/edit.png";


            imgBtn.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(32);

            imgBtn.CommandName = "security";

            imgBtn.CommandArgument = DataBinder.Eval((((Infragistics.Web.UI.TemplateContainer)container).DataItem), "ID_RESULTAT").ToString();


            imgBtn.ToolTip = "Manage Security";





App_Data.ADHERENCE_CILDataContext db = new App_Data.ADHERENCE_CILDataContext();                var ResuStdOper = (from s in db.vRESU_STD_OPERs                                   where s.NOM_LIGNE.Equals("AC02")                                   select s).ToList();
                //GV.AutoGenerateColumns = false;                //GV.RowStyle.BackColor = Color.Blue;                //GV.RowStyle.BorderColor = Color.Black;                //GV.RowStyle.BorderWidth = 1;                //GV.DataKeyNames = "id_resultat";
                //BoundField bf = new BoundField();                //bf.HeaderText = "Nom standard";                //bf.DataField = "NOM_STANDARD";                //GV.Columns.Add(bf);
                //BoundField bf1 = new BoundField();                //bf1.HeaderText = "Nom opérateur";                //bf1.DataField = "NOM_OPERATEUR";                //GV.Columns.Add(bf1);
                WebDataGrid GV = new WebDataGrid();                GV.ID = "GV" + index.ToString();                GV.AutoGenerateColumns = false;                GV.DataKeyFields = "ID_RESULTAT";                GV.EnableAjax = false;                GV.EnableDataViewState = true;                GV.EnableViewState = true;                                GV.ItemCommand += new ItemCommandEventHandler(WebDataGrid1_ItemCommand);                  Selection gridSelection = GV.Behaviors.CreateBehavior<Selection>();                gridSelection.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Row;                gridSelection.RowSelectType = SelectType.Single;
                RowSelectors gridselectorw = GV.Behaviors.CreateBehavior<RowSelectors>();                gridselectorw.Enabled = true;                // To get reference to a behavior, use its property of the same name                //                Selection selectionBehavior = GV.Behaviors.Selection;                if (selectionBehavior == null)                {                    // Create the behavior                    Selection selection = new Selection();
                    // Add to behaviors collection                    GV.Behaviors.Add(selection);                                        // Set its options                    selection.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Row;                    selection.RowSelectType = SelectType.Single;                                    }                RowSelectors gridselectorbehavior = GV.Behaviors.RowSelectors;                if (gridselectorbehavior==null)                {
                }                //ImageButton imgBtn = new ImageButton();                //imgBtn.ID = "ImageButton1";                //imgBtn.ImageUrl = "images/edit.png";                //imgBtn.CommandName = "security";                //imgBtn.CommandArgument = ((DataRowView)((TemplateContainer)container).DataItem)["ID_CATEGORIE"].ToString();                //imgBtn.ToolTip = "Manage Security";                //container.Controls.Add(imgBtn);                TemplateDataField templateField1 = new TemplateDataField(true);                templateField1.Key = "TemplateField1";                templateField1.Header.Text = "Template Column";                GV.Columns.Add(templateField1);                                TemplateDataField templateColumn1 = (TemplateDataField)GV.Columns["TemplateField1"];
                templateColumn1.ItemTemplate = new CustomItemTemplate();                                
                var col1 = new BoundDataField { Key = "NOM_STANDARD" };                col1.Header.Text = "Nom standard";                col1.Width = 100;                var col2 = new BoundDataField { Key = "NOM_OPERATEUR" };                col2.Header.Text = "Nom opérateur";                col2.Width = 75;                GV.Columns.Add(col1);                GV.Columns.Add(col2);                GV.DataSource = ResuStdOper;                GV.DataBind();                tab.Controls.Add(GV);                GV.EnsureTemplates();

  • 7555
    Offline posted

    Hello Strich,

    I followed the code you have provided and was unable to reproduce the behavior you're describing.

    I have created a sample of WebdataGrid. In the sample I added a master page and added a WebDatagrid in a webTab control.I added an ImageButton as a template data field in the grid
    And now when I clicked the image button, WebDataGrid1_ItemCommand event does fired.

    I have attached the sample project I used to test this. Please test this project on your PC; whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this problem.

    Please note as the provided code has lots of dependent code I was not able to include it into my sample. I would recommend you to isolate the code and debug it to find the cause of the issue.

    It will help if you can provide a small, isolated sample application that demonstrates the behavior you are seeing. This can be done by either making the sample that I provided more like your application or by isolating the behavior from your application by removing dependencies on any third parties or databases.

    Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.
  • 7555
    Offline posted

    Hello Strich, 

    Thank you for posting to our forum. 

    I would like to update you that currently I am putting together all the code you have provided, in order to have a working sample and able to reproduce the same scenario at my end. 

    I will provide you an update by tomorrow EOD .