2016.2 asp.net version support visual studio 2013?
my customers want to use visual studio 2013 because they have that license.
I tried to install and configure current asp.net version on vs 2013. the result is that controls are displayed but look disabled(grey and not draggable) in vs 2013 toolbox.
What I did was :
1. download and install Infragistics_Ultimate_20162_WithSamplesAndHelp.zip
2. run "Create ASP.NET Toolbox Tab for CLR 4.0 2016.2" and "Create ASP.NET Toolbox Tab for CLR 4.5 2016.2"
3. create an asp.net web application project
3. select "all displayed" in toolbox of vs 2013
4. "Infragistics 16.2 ASP.NET CLR4.0" and "Infragistics 16.2 ASP.NET CLR4.5" groups are visible but all items in them look disabled
Any tip about it?
> I tried vs 2017 and it's ok with 20162 version.
Thank you for contacting us.
Visual Studio 2013 is supported and the toolbox should be displayed after you Run the "Create Toolbox tab app". Could you please let me know what is the version of VS that you are using?
Sometimes this king of issue could appear because Visual Studio is installed after Infragistics product.
My suggestion is to uninstall the product and install it again, after that run the create toolbox tool again and the toolbox should appear.
As for the VS 2013 difference that we have, my IDE is with installed Update 5.