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Label text not updating during OnRowSelectionChanged event

I have a WebDataGrid with the OnRowSelctionChanged event configured.  In that event, I use server-side code to update the text on a label outside the grid.  I can see the lbl.Text value getting set on the server side, but it is not getting updated on the client side.

I have tried these approaches:

  • Put the grid and label inside an ASP Update Panel
  • Don't use an UpdatePanel, but set EnableAjax and EnableAjaxViewState to True on the WebDataGrid.
  • Use a standard postback without the two above bullet points (no AJAX).

Is there anything I need to do to allow this event to update controls outside of the WebDataGrid?  If I run the same code using a standard ASP Button click (outside the grid), the label gets update appropriately.  So I must be misunderstanding something about the WebDataGrid event handling.

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  • 7495
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    Hello Adrian, 

    In the WebDataGrid during OnRowSelectionChanged event to set the label, you have to set ‘EnableAjax’ property to false to cause a full page postback in the page. 

    To call the server method on the client side event ,you can handle the client side rowselectionchanged event and trigger a postback in this event like this: 

    function WebDataGrid1_Selection_RowSelectionChanged(sender, eventArgs) {
                if (eventArgs.getSelectedRows().get_length() > 0) {
                    __doPostBack('<%= WebDataGrid1.ClientID %>', '');

    You can also refer the below post for more information: 

    You can also refer the below online sample:


    Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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