I create a BarColumnLine chart well but i want a stacked column + Line :( so i try to use composite chart.
Now, i create my first composite chart (stacked column + line chart) with the wizard designer. I fill the data source with the code behind :
ultraChart.Data.DataSource = table;
but it fill only the stacked column chart not the line chart. How i specify the datasource link to the stacked chart and the line chart ?
Do you know if is it possible to create composite chart with wizard and fill different data source charts by the code behind ? If yes, how please?
Thank you.
Hi jc,
Please find my sample attached that demonstrates how you can create the chart through the designer and bind data through codebehind for a StackedColumnChart and LineChart.
If you have any further questions with this, please let me know.
Thank you for checking on that. After discussing this with my team, it looks like a new series will be needed for each numeric column in your data.
I am working on a sample that will help demonstrate how this can be done. I will have another update on my findings for you tomorrow.
Nothing happens.
The stacked charts should take all the numeric columns available in the data.
What happens if you do not set the ns1.Data.ValueColumn property and leave it at the default value?
Thank you for answer.
How do you add more one value column by code ?
i tried this below but it doesn't work :
NumericSeries ns1 = (NumericSeries)UC2.CompositeChart.ChartComponent.Series.FromKey("series1"); ns1.Data.DataSource = getdata(); ns1.Data.LabelColumn = "col1"; ns1.Data.ValueColumn = "col2,col3,col4";
before with simple stackedColumnChart i used UC2.Data.DataSource = getdata(); its worked well.