Infragistics45.Web.v15.2, Version=15.2.20152.2042
.NET 4.6.1
We are adding and removing Classes on the client based on a checkbox. If the checkbox is checked the background color changes from white to yellow. This works great on all controls except when you hover over the Infragistics controls, the original Class is back and the background color is changed back to the original. How can we stop this behavior? Thanks.
var zip = $(ig_controls['ctl00_cphUPPage_ucProperty_ucAddress_wmePostalCode'])[0];
if (zip !== undefined) {
Hello Autumn,
Thank you for posting in our community!
Most of our masked editors have css class "igte_Edit", so if you want to change its background, do it there. On hover just the css class "igte_Hover" is added and it will not break the rule put in the "igte_Edit" class. Your scenario seems to be kind of different. Could you please send me a small example where I can observe it? Not a code snippet but small working project.