Why does the hover highlight only highlight 1/2 of the menu item? I've tried different browsers and the issue is universal w/ all browsers. How would I correct this?
Hello, PhilC.
The forum has some restrictions and limitations when it comes to attachment size. Isolate the sample (clear from unnecessary code) and make it sure it works. Remove our dll-s from the project, we can add them from our side.
When issue like this (css layout issue) appears, we have to inspect the styles of the whole page. So, please send us sample and we can continue with the investigation. Now, we experience proper behavior of menu control, even using your code snippet.
Sometimes the customer finds the problem during isolating the sample. By removing some style or piece of code.
Upload form won't accept the project. Just give me a 404 page when uploading.
1. Open VS2015 Pro
2. Select create new Web Application Project
3. Add WebDataMenu to Default.aspx
4. Add the horizontal orientation settings
ig:WebDataMenu ID="WebDataMenu1" runat="server"> <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal"></GroupSettings> <Items> <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"> </ig:DataMenuItem> <ig:DataMenuItem Text="Root Item"> </ig:DataMenuItem> </Items> </ig:WebDataMenu>
5. Run project
Using Infragistics 2015.2
Hi PhilC,
Thank you for posting in our community!
Could you please send us a small sample where we can observe the issue and inspect the code. Please send it as attachment and make sure it is isolated and working one.