I've a project which is using infragistics 10.3 and the aspx page has a grid. on cell value change I would like to call javascript function which is in sepreate file.
see the code below.
// script manager
<ig:WebScriptManager ID="WebScriptManager1" runat="server"></ig:WebScriptManager>
// Update cell event.
protected void grdMainSummary_RowUpdating(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowUpdatingEventArgs e){}
I am using below code to call javascript function from code behind , it work fine when I called it from onload event but not working on "grdMainSummary_RowUpdating" event.
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ShowStatus", "MyFunction();", true);
In that case I would recommend you use the client side row updating event to call your other JavaScript method. You can see the following link for how to setup this event:
I have a chat application which is using signalR. Chat application has two pages
1) Admin Page
2) Chat Page
Admin page has grid with columns such as starttime , endtime etc. Which can be set a run time during chat such as endtime. When user edit the chat endtime I would like to call a javascript function which will do following
timerInterval = setInterval(myTimer, MaxDurationMinutes);
Everything working fine only thing I need is to call javascript function on Rowupdating and set interval.
Thank you for the update, I have some follow up questions:
What does the JavaScript function do?What is the code in the JavaScript function?Why does this have to be called on the server/can you call this from the client side updating event instead?
I would like to call a javascript function which is on a seprate javascript file. on updating cell value.
What are you doing in this JavaScript function you want to call? What is the behavior you are trying to achieve?