I want to set the X axis start date for my gantt chart to be a specific date. It seems to vary right now because of the percentage tick marks. I want to make the first date the first date of my date spread. How do I do that? Thanks.
I made a change by using
UltraChart1.Axis.Y.ScrollScale.Width = 50; and now I get this, Where are the images supposed to be?
This is another example of the scroll bar I want. I put the enablescrollbar = true and can barely see a scroll bar. It is there with a couple of dots and will scroll with those dots, but I need to make it wider. See the image below.
Why is the scrollbar barely there?
I got an email with a link to an html document explaining a hybrid chart. I am not sure why you are not replying on this thread. I have used both the options you mentioned in that email. They do not give me the desired effect. I am wondering if I have to create a y2 layer to get just the scrollbar. Could you please respond to this thread, as I get a no-reply on your email. Thanks.
I have created two samples for you. One with Gantt chart, the one you need and one with line chart, just for comparison. In both samples as you can see I have only used the following line of code in order to display the scrollbar without the scale buttons.
UltraChart1.EnableScrollBar = true;
In the GanttChart only the Y scrollbar is displayed and in the column chart only the X axis scrollbar is displayed. By design the scroll bar is rendered on the different axes based on the type of the chart.
The ScrollScale options (UltraChart1.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Visible = true; and UltraChart1.Axis.Y.ScrollScale.Visible = true;) as the name implies renders the scrollbars as well as the scale buttons (+ and -). The following topic explains that only on hybrid charts scrolling and scaling can be done independently.
Regards, Marina Stoyanova, Software Developer, Infragistics, Inc.