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WebDataMenu consuming much space


We have recently upgraded to WebDataMenu (infragistics v15.1) from our old 2005 infragistics control.

After upgrading, we saw high data load on each page call. After checking, new version use different way to render the menu which take more space compare to previous one.

Old one format:

<DIV style="MARGIN-LEFT: 25px" igtxt="1">Home</DIV></TD></TR>
<TR id=ctl00ISRPMenu1uwMenu_5_2 igUrl="/SIT/ASPX/Home.aspx"
HiliteClass="SelectedStyle" igTag="" igHov="subMenu">

New one format:

<LI title="Home" class="igdm_MenuItemVertical MenuStyle"
unselectable="on"><A tabindex="-1" class="igdm_MenuItemVerticalLink "
onclick="{return false;}" href=""
target="_self"><SPAN tabindex="-1" title="Home"

and lots of Javascript array

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Infragistics.Web.UI.WebDataMenu, {"id":"ctl00_Menu1_uwMenu","name":"uwMenu","props":[[[,,,,,],{"c":{"mgvRoot":"igdm_MenuGroupVerticalRoot","mivRootLink":....

which take nearly triple size compare to previous version.

Is there any way to change the way new version render and remove extra Javascript arrays.

Thank you

  • 2095

    Hi ktrrzn,

       There are a lot of differences between old and new version of each control. This is dictated by the fact that for 10 years the technologies have evolved and they have evolved fast. New versions of HTML were presented and Web standards for valid HTML too. It is normal for the code of our controls to evolve too. Aside of that, with the new controls we not only improve our code to met the new standards and best practices, but also introduce more features and functionalities. This will increase the source code of the control, apparently the client-side code too.

       The passage you sent is the part of ASP.NET framework, used for creation of client-side object that represent server component ($create Shortcut Method documentation). In other words creation of client-side representation of the webmenu. Such code is mandatory.

       Keep in mind that our controls were created to be as fast as they can using as minimal code as we can. But for some implementations, there are technical minimum of code size that we cannot pass beneath. If we are talking of difference of 100kB I think this is pretty much acceptable. If the difference is much more, please send me isolated sample where we can observe and investigate what really cause that overload.