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Auto row add with DropDownProvider


I have a webDataGrid only with one column and a DropDownProvider to add and edit row. To add a row, I select one value from dropdown, press enter and the new row is added. But I have a problem in mobile browsers (tablet or smartphone), because I don’t have the soft keyboard and when I select a value from dropdown I don't know how to do to add the value to a new row in the grid.

There is an option to add automatically a row when a value is chosen from the dropdown?

Thanks for your help.

  • 25665
    Offline posted


    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    You can handle the client side dropdown closed event and in that call _commitRow off the row adding behavior:

    • 655
      Offline posted in reply to Michael Peterson

      Thanks for your help. I’ve tried handle the client side dropdown closed event and in then call _commitRow as you said:

      In the grid:

      <ig:DropDownProvider ID ="ComboMaquinaria">
      <EditorControl DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px" Width ="300px" EnableAnimations="False" EnableDropDownAsChild="False" ClientIDMode="Predictable" DisplayMode="DropDownList" >
      <ClientEvents DropDownClosed ="fAddRow" />

      And the function:

      function fAddRow (sender, eventArgs) {
      var grid = $find("<%= wdgMaquinaria.ClientID %>");

      But after close dropdown, the new row is empty and insert a blank row.

      I fix this handle ExitedEditMode event:

      <ig:RowAdding AddNewRowCssClass ="CustomNewRow">
      <EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" />
      <ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey ="MAQUINARIA" EditorID="ComboMaquinaria" />
      <AddNewRowClientEvents ExitedEditMode =" fAddRow " />

      But it's uncomfortable for user's select one element in the dropdown and click in other element to fire the event, select another value, click outside...

      Can I force fire the ExitedEditMode event in dropdown closed event for example? Or another solution to fix this problem?
