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aligning data in column is not working


We are using v11.2 and are trying to align data of a certain specific columns to right and checkbox to center. We ahve tried below mentioned code approaches but not working. We are generating columns from code-behind. Please help us how to set data to right side of a cell and checkboxes to center of cell.

1st approach

dim cckFld as new BoundCheckBoxField()

cckFld.cssClass= "alignRight"


.alignRight{ text-align:right}


2nd approach

protected Sub RowInit(......)


End Sub

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  • 2525

    Hi Shadow,

    Try updating your CSS class definition to align your column right to this:


    text-align:right !important;


    And to align your checkboxes to the center:


    text-align:center !important;


    The reason you aren't seeing the columns content align to the right or the center is due to the grid on render applying a style with higher specificity on that sets the text-align property to left. By setting the important tag, the text-align property will always be set to what is found with the !important tag regardless of specificity. You can read up on specificity here:

    Also, I recommend referencing your CSS classes from your markup. You can do so by setting the CssClass attribute of the BoundDataField/BoundCheckBoxField element equal to your CSS class. The markup will look like this:

    <ig:BoundCheckBoxField DataFieldName="Discontinued" Key="Discontinued" CssClass="alignCenter">
     <Header Text="Discontinued"></Header>

    I'm attaching a sample I used to test this behavior.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
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