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Event doesn't fire after edit cell


I'm newbie with and I have some problems with webdatagrid.

I have a page with several WebDataGrid and one button to recollect all the data and save it into database.

At the beginning, when I add a new row and click the button, the _click event doesn't fire. I have solved this problem adding the property EnableDataViewState ="true" in all the grids, but now I have the same problem, but when I edit a cell. If I only add rows to the grids, the button _click event works and I can recollect the data from the grids, but if I edit any cell in any datawebgrid the event doesn't fire.

Any help?


  • 16310
    Offline posted


    Thank you for posting in the Infragistics community !

    Unfortunately the provided information does not enable me to help you on this. It seems quite strange that a button click event does not fire because of EnableDataViewState value, which purpose is totally different. The same way it makes no sense that an edited cell will prevent a button from firing its click event. If it really happens like this then I believe you have just missed the real reason.

    Please provide more information on the work flow, how do you edit and bind the grid, how and when do you update the database, editing behavior configuration details, and what type of button do you use and what do you trigger with it. Any relevant information will be essential so that I get the whole picture and try to understand and fix the issue. Lookingt forward to hearing from you.

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