I am using WebHTMLEditor v 13.2. I have an auto save feature on the WebHTMLEditor which works only if i have compatability view set to "on" for the particular site. If the compatability view is turned off the Editor.Text value returned is "". Any solutions or work around how to fix this? Only happens in Internet Explorer.
I was able to resolve this issue by adding this piece of code on the page load.
$('iframe#MainContent_wheProgNote1_tw').contents().on('keyup', function (e) {
I was able to replicate the issue. I am using IE 11 currently. When the compatibility mode is "ON" it works fine. I have an editor outside the Ajax update panel and a timer which triggers async postback for the tick event. Inside the tick event I do not get the latest text when I access "WebHtnlEditor.text" property. I found a link online that says about the exact same issue.
I am trying to create a workaround based on the suggestion below. If you could also provide me an example of how to use iged_update() function. I think based on the suggestion below there seems to problems with the combination of timer and the control.
Thinking it was a problem with Infragistics, I submitted a support request. Here is their reply. I appreciate any help/suggestions/feedback you can give.
Hello Alex,
Our developers have completed their review of development incident BR23954. They have determined that this is "Not to Fix" for the following reasons:
[Behavior is correct. The async postback triggered by timer does not take focus away from html-editor and does not notify form about submit (which looks like a bug in that timer control). That means that editor has no opportunity to update its viewstate field used by server. So, within that timer event on server html editor has value of Text from previous session.
To get around that timer, application may
1. Process "before-async-request" event of timer or scriptmanager (if any like that is provided by AJAX) and call iged_update() function.
2. Click mouse outside of html-editor every 2-3 seconds (after entering a block of text)
3. Create its own javascript timer (with small interval) and within its handler call iged_update(). Of course text entered between that interval and AJAX-timer request will be lost.]
I have marked this incident as "Awaiting Customer Action" in our incident tracking system, pending your approval of closure. If you have further information regarding this issue that may require reevaluating this conclusion, if you wish to explain why you do not agree with this assessment, or require further explanation of the conclusion, please respond to this message. I will then research the reasons for your objection and, if necessary, notify the appropriate individuals.
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Mathew, Thank you for using our community.I have created a simple sample for you, but I couldn’t reproduce it. Could you modify my sample so that it replicates the issue you are facing? What is more could you tell me in which version of IE are you reproducing the issue?Sincerely, Alex M.Software Developer Infragistics, Inc. www.infragistics.com