Is it possible to tell the WebDataGrid to refresh it's data from client script and have it do so via AJAX? If so, can you provide an example?
Hi Alex,
What would be nice is to be able to get a reference to the grid object on the client and then call a method that initiates an AJAX request to refresh data in the grid. An optional parameter to tell what page to retrieve would be nice too. Tha AJAX request should include the values of other controls in the form.
The code might look something like:
myGrid.refreshData() //to just rebind the grid
myGrid.refreshData(2) //to get a specfic page's data and update the grid's UI to indicate the page that was requested.
Of course, this can be accomplished using a WARP or an UpdatePanel, but it would be more efficient if just the data necesary to build the new set of rows was passed back to the browser, rather than sending the HTML for the entire grid.