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what are the top hybrid app?

Guys, I need info on the hybrid app what is a hybrid app? And what are the top hybrid apps?

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    Top 10 Hybrid App Frameworks

    1. React Native
    2. Ionic
    3. Mobile Angular UI
    4. jQuery Mobile
    5. Flutter
    6. Xamarin
    7. Onsen UI
    8. Corona SDK
    9. PhoneGap
    10. Intel XDK

    Nancy Scott
    Kwik Kopy Midtown

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    Hybrid apps work across multiple platforms and behave like native apps. A hybrid app is essentially a combination of a native app and a web app. Although this type of app can be installed on a device like a native app, it technically is a web app.  These types of apps are built with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript and run in a web view.


    Arya Moore
    Creating Better Days

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    Offline posted in reply to Andrew Goldenbaum

    Check out this  conta. For more details you can visit the website.

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    I have some tips here about how to reduce the costs of building mobile app while crisis. Hope it will be useful for everyone.

    Good luck!

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    A (hybrid app) is a software application that combines elements of both native apps and web applications. Hybrid apps are essentially web apps that have been put in a native app shell. Once they are downloaded from an app store and installed locally, the shell is able to connect to whatever capabilities the mobile platform provides through a browser that's embedded in the app. The browser and its plug-ins run on the back end and are invisible to the end user.

    Hybrid apps are popular because they allow developers to write code for a mobile app once and still accommodate multiple platforms. Because hybrid apps add an extra layer between the source code and the target platform, they may perform slightly slower than native or web versions of the same app.

    Examples are: React Native, Xamarin, Onsen UI

    If you want to developed hybrid app then visit our website for more details: