Hi -
I am trying to get the selected row(s) for the UltraWingrid, but can't seem to find an easy way to do this.
Any ideas?
Hello Amol,
Depending upon what you want to do with them, the solution varies, if you are just verifying a value in a cell then you can write one single statement using GetNAProperty. Are there any Hidden or filtered rows and are there any multiple bands involved?
If there are no hidden or filtered rows and no multiple bands then you can just use GetNAProperty("Rows") for the entire rows collection or RowCount if you want the count and for selected rows you can do GetNAProperty("Selected.Rows.Count") and then you can loop through either of them accordingly.
For example the below script gives me the selected row index
v_index = SwfWindow("WinEditors Within WinGrid").SwfTable("ultraGrid1").GetNAProperty("Selected.Rows[0].VisibleIndex")