Version .... CLR 2 2006 vol2
I can access cell data in the table as in the following code but I'm not sure how to access grab the column names.
For i = 1 To CountColumns Col = SwfWindow("CaridianBCT Service Maintenanc").SwfTable("machineHistoryGrid").GetCellData(3, i)
If I'm understanding your post correctly, I think you'll need to use GetNAProperty, instead of GetCellData. We were able to use GetNAProperty to drill down into the column headers to pull such properties as the Key, Visible Position, Width, Hidden Status and Tag value, so I'm guessing you could do the same for the Caption. Here's an example of our code:
SwfWindow("Company").SwfTable("GridName").GetNAProperty("DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[" & i & "].Key")
Of course, you'll have to use the .Net Windows Forms Spy to determine the Band number (once you've spied on the grid, go to DisplayLayout > Bands and find the number of the Band you need).
We use TestAdvantage 2006 Volume 2 CLR 1.x, so I'm assuming this could work for you as well.
Hope this helps!