I am using QTP 9.5, Test Advantage - 8.1 CLR 2.0(2008 vol1, clr 2), NetAdvantage - Version 8.1
I am having this strange issue:
I am assigning a swftree object to a variable, code:
Set objTreeView1 = SwfWindow("lnqa -- lnqa(1.08.28)").SwfObject("GroupHosts").SwfTreeView("groupTreeView").object
The issue is at times the code works without any problem, though at times it throws the General Run Error at the same line.
In the end of the function I am trying to release the object by calling,
Set objTreeView1 = Nothing
Do you have any suggestions, though i know this is an unknown error, thrown by QTP when it doesn't know what is worng. Still if I am doing something wrong then please let me know.
Getting the object for the SwfTreeView shouldn't be affected by TestAdvantage. The object itself is provided by the .NET Add-In.
Have you tested what happens when getting the object with TestAdvantage disabled? If not, I would recommend doing this to see if the behavior is changing. You can disable TestAdvantage by using the Version Utility from the Start Menu.
Let me know if you get the same behavior with TestAdvantage disabled.