I’m Using 8.3CLR 2.0 + QTP 9.2
We have SwfTable (see the attach) when I use SwfTable(…).GetCellData([RowNumber], “Autid Action”) I get the number as it’s appear in deciphering Table.
How I can get the text ?
I am not entirely sure why myself. I would be curious to know what version of TestAdvantage you were using, as well as the QTP version. My thought is, for some reason the int is being treated as an different datatype, int32, or something else. Perhaps it was an old bug, that was resolved, or something new in QTP11. Regardless though it should be resolvable by encapsulating the i parameter in a CSTR(i) function.
Let me know if it works,
Hi Ammar,
intRow=SwfWindow("BT Agent Desktop v1.0.9.11").SwfTable("BillingAccount").RowCount
For i=0 to intRow
strBAC = SwfWindow("BT Agent Desktop v1.0.9.11").SwfTable("BillingAccount").GetCellData(i,2) If strBAC="GP00009893" Then SwfWindow("BT Agent Desktop v1.0.9.11").SwfTable("BillingAccount").SelectCell i,2 Exit for End If
This is giving me a weird error for getcelldata
IG : The supplied UltraGridRow argument [0] is not one of the expected type(s) : String or Int16Line (360): "strBAC = SwfWindow("BT Agent Desktop v1.0.9.11").SwfTable("BillingAccount").GetCellData(i,2)"
I am unable to understand why is it giving me this error.
Please help..
Need help urgently.. Thanks :)
Thanks it's work :~)
Hi Avishaiy,
Try this:
SwfTable(...).ActivateCell([RowNumber],"Audit Action")
Dim CellText= SwfTable(...).GetNAProperty.("ActiveCell.Text")
I hope this will work for you