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Checking a checkbox inside the ultragrid

Hi I am sorry to open a new topic for this problem, but we were not getting any reply for the old post opened by Ms. Shilpa.

Guys, I need to click on a check box inside an ultragrid, but I am unable to check it.

I have tried SetCellData, i have also tried to select the cell and sending Space keys using WScript.Shell, but even that doesn't work for me.

Could you pelase give us a workaround, as I am stuck at this point.

Please its very urgent for me.

  • 7695
    Offline posted


       Actually we prefer people to start a new topic, as it allows us to tailor the answer to their specific needs, because while the behavior may seem identical, in many cases they may not be. SetCellData should work for all but edge cases of grid checkboxes. So I think we need to determine why your may not be working.

    First, what version of NetAdvantage, and TestAdvantage are you using? Both of which are represented by a year, and volume number between 1 to 3. (ie NetAdvantage 2008 Volume 2)  QuickTest Professional does not work well against NetAdvantage controls without TestAdvantage and TestAdvantage needs to be the same release volume as the NetAdvantage it is being used against.

    Second, what is the recorded action line in QuickTest Professional when you check the checkbox?

    If you are getting an error in either record or replay, what is the text of the error, and when does the error get displayed?



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