Details of Installed components -
Infragistics4.Win.v12.2.dll (part of application depicting Infragistics components used)
Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing v14.53.3529.0 (trail version with days to go)
Infragistics Windows Forms Test Automation for Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing software 2019.1 v19.1.4 (trail version with days to go)
Infragistics WPF Test Automation for Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing software 2019.1 v19.1.5 (trail version with days to go)
On trying to execute below steps using UFT getting the error as IG : The IG TestAutomation assembly is versioned, but the AUT's IG Control assembly is not.
'Launching Application systemutil.Run "xxx", , "xxx" wait 5 SwfWindow("Phoenix").SwfWindow("Phoenix").SwfEdit("_txtEmail").Set "xxx" 'data SwfWindow("Phoenix").SwfWindow("Phoenix").SwfEdit("_txtPassword").Set "xxx" 'data SwfWindow("Phoenix").SwfWindow("Phoenix").SwfButton("Login")
Object hierarchy as using Object Spy of UFT -
Please help me out how to fix this issue.
Hello Satyajit,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Which version of Infragistics is used in your application? The version of Test Advantage has to match the version of the tools you are compiled against.
eg. If your app is using 12.2 Version Free then you must install Test Advantage 12.2 and select Version Free vice versa for 19.1 etc. If you are using a versioned assembly you need to use the default CLR4 option. Test Advantage has two modes and can be toggled by using the Version Assembly that gets installed with Test Advantage. Keep in mind that you are testing multiple applications with multiple versions then you can only test with one version of Test Advantage at a time.